Monday, February 6, 2012

Chuck Finley is real.

Nine days until the inevitable happens... Oh dear. And a more serious blog topic (unlike the usual sensible nonsense) was supposed to come next, but that will come later on!

Anyway, I was passing another lovely Sunday afternoon when suddenly the random inspiration lobe of my brain had a fart. If a big blue genie came up to me and told me he could grant me three wishes (in accordance with the terms set in Aladdin), what would those three wishes be?
  1. The ability to read, speak, and write any language fluently
    Imagine the possibilities. I could confuse people to the ragged edge of sanity, communicate in Japanese with my best friend/blogging nemesis, ace any language courses, flirt with Korean chicks... I mean, study with fellow students in the motherland while abroad.
  2. Telepathy
    Some things in life just cannot and should not be put into words. Sometimes feelings are incapable of being translated into words. Unfortunately, the human body is incapable of having a WiFi card installed.
  3. Teleportation
    Oh how convenient life would be if I could do that. But being able to teleport sort of takes out the significance and meaning of setting apart time for friends and family, because it means a lot that one would take time to get to and from the people they want to be with. 

    I did almost make a wish for the ability to read minds (which differs from telepathy because telepathy does not allow me to intrude on another person's mind without permission, it is the transfer of feelings/knowledge/poop. Mind-reading is mind-blastingly mind-hacking.). Thinking over it, however, the ability to read minds is both a gain and loss. It is a gain in the sense that, well, I can read minds. But it is a loss in that there is no longer the barrier of speech that blocks unfriendly feelings and comments, and whatever is thought of me is thrown at me mercilessly thanks to my inability to not use a mind-reading ability.

    My three wishes are obviously not the most creative. *Insert sad face* On a brighter note, Chuck Finley is someone not to be messed with. Neither is Chuck Testa. And Chuck Norris. *Insert very happy face* CHUCK FINLEY FOR LIFE.

    For another wishful list of wishes, wishfully visit Secret Asian's blog and see what she would like from the genie!

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