Sort of.
So the year 2011 has passed, and 2012 has come along to take its place. Everything seems to have stayed the same... Apart from the complete lack of rain and snow everywhere (with the exception of places buried in snow right now). The number of days I have left in San Jose is continuing to shrink at the rate of one day per day, and no matter what I do to slow it down, nothing seems to work. It still hasn't hit me with sufficient force that in less than a month, I will be more than five thousand miles away from a place I called home for the past twelve or so years of my life, a place full of people I love... and intensely dislike ("hate" is a strong word). I'm sure that the Motherland will have much to offer me, but walking into the unknown is not in my playbook. Ninja Tuna must think outside of the box for the next few weeks!
This new segment of my life poses some questions. What is it that I want to accomplish this year? Are there any actually reasonable New Year's resolutions?
- Cardio.
-Not what you think. I don't mean physical cardio, but more in terms of endurance of the mind and heart. 2011 had its ups and downs (although more ups), but whatever is thrown at us in 2012 should only slow us down temporarily. If it knocks us over, we can choose to get back up (cliche, I know). Keep your head strong and don't lose hope! And always wear a helmet when bicycling, it will keep your head strong as well. - Accept and adapt.
-Personally, this is the most difficult one. This doesn't apply to most of you out there, but in my situation, I feel like I am being thrown into a cage of lions that I've met from time to time but don't know how they will behave in this day and age. Either they will become best of friends with me, or a coroner is going to have to explain to my family and friends why I am missing some parts of my body. - Enjoy the little things.
-This one is pretty self-explanatory. Enjoy the little things. - Promote flying cows.
-Every website, organization, or television show has a thing to promote or endorse. I am promoting flying cows because they are unfortunately underrated.
And just a side-note! Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol recently came out, and I went to see that. Just one name: Simon Pegg. Forget Tom Cruise, he's part of the movie because he is Ethan Hunt. Simon Pegg is the new face of Mission Impossible. I wish I were Simon Pegg. Or specifically, Benjy. Benjy is awesome. His British accent is awesome. His tech knowledge is awesome. His name is awesome. His sense of humor is awesome. His interview on Top Gear is awesome... No wait, that's Simon Pegg.
And another note!
How terrible of me not to have thought of this until after reading Secret Asian's blog post... She must not think of me too highly at the moment! My message to Secret Asian:
I. Am. Going. To. Miss. You. In fact, I already do. There are no good words to describe what I'm leaving behind with you, so I'm going to have to end this here for now. Better words to come later when... er, the time comes.
And my message to the readers of our blogs:
Keep reading.
When all ya gotta do is gone
Read her blog
Read her blog
Like I know ya do.

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